Friday, May 27, 2016

Dealing With The Destitute

The destitute turn to the Church. I have had a lot to do with them in ministry -- particularly urban ministry. But they are not by far "the humble poor" as one hymn puts it. Typically they are hardened, often they are intrusive and aggressive, even criminal. Often I got tough with them. Often I (had to) send them away with nothing. They didn't seem to understand then, with their abusive responses. But they did understand -- looking back. I am welcomed with great warmth now when they see me, week by week. What made the difference is that I ministered to them, counselled them, buried them, stopped for them in the street -- and cared for them. I have learnt that they do appreciate a "sensible" approach. OBSERVATION: And they are worth getting to know. One obtains a far richer view of the world through them.

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