Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Extended Extended Time

Recently a bank consultant reported “fraudulent transaction” under my old ministry. So I connected with a business banker. But the business banker instantly sent my mail to one of the people involved in the “fraudulent transaction” -- before the bank even opened in the morning. I said to the bank, repeat that action won’t you. You sent my mail to them, now send their mail to me. A great silence fell on the bank. I filed a legal request. The time expired (the "original period") -- then extended time expired. Then the bank requested extended time after extended time (which is, 70-80 days). They wrote: “Internal consultation is required ... The request cannot reasonably be completed within the original period.” I said you didn't need all this before you shared my own mail. OBSERVATION: I wrote to them this morning: “One can't risk strangeness in such a situation.” Which by now is a police matter anyway.

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