Monday, July 30, 2018

Crèche Conundrum

We once had a problem with the Church crèche. This was not merely a "cry room", but we offered care for small children during the Church service. Our problem was that people on crèche duty weren't turning up, and it was important that we could depend on them. Our solution: we printed the crèche roster in the Sunday bulletin. In a diaconate meeting, a deaconess said with conviction that this shouldn’t be in the bulletin -- no other Church rosters were. We turned to our office secretary: would she call people to remind them? She said no other rosters needed a reminder, and did we know how busy she was? Another deaconess said one thing was for sure -- since we put the roster in the bulletin, the crèche had been working. Another deaconess said she took comfort in seeing in the bulletin who would be looking after her child. OBSERVATION: We put the matter "on hold" until the end of the meeting. It was decided to keep the notice in the bulletin.

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