Saturday, December 14, 2019

Finger-Wagging Teen

There is a great deal of controversy around Greta Thunberg's youth. For example, David Harsanyi writes: "Who better than a finger-wagging teen bereft of accomplishment, or any comprehension of basic economics or history, to be Time magazine’s Person of the Year ..." Michelle Obama, on the other hand, wrote to Thuberg: "Don’t let anyone dim your light ... Know that millions of people are cheering you on." The controversy surrounding youth is relevant to Congregationalism. The position of many Congregational Churches is something like this (I quote from an official document, in fact adopted by my own Church): "The young in years and spiritual experience are as free to share as those who are aged and of long experience in the life of Christ." OBSERVATION: Both old and young, in years or experience, bring things to the life of the Church which are vital. So long as one understands the respective strengths and weaknesses.

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