Sunday, January 26, 2020

Missing Window

Here is something that intrigued me. A member of one of my Churches, a doctor, took me round his house outside, and told me to count the windows. Then he took me round the house inside -- and told me to count the windows. He said: "Did you notice anything?" I said: "Yes. There's one window on the inside missing." He said: "Let me show you something." He opened a cupboard, then took me through the back of it, into his private study -- which had one window -- the missing window. He said: "No one would ever know, unless they counted all the windows inside and outside." OBSERVATION: I saw this a second time, more recently, when a bishop showed me a secret corner of his house, with many windows -- also entered through a cupboard. The house was a humble place, but through the cupboard there was a gym, a jacuzzi, and so on.

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