Sunday, October 2, 2022

‘Nuclear’ Member

This is an old post which I shelved -- an example of one of the many (often baffling) mini-crises one encounters in a Church:

"A staunch member of our Church went missing. I gave her a call. She said that she was boycotting the Church, because I was barring her from leading Bible study. This was new to me. I said, “We can solve this immediately. You can lead Bible study as soon as you are ready.” On hearing this, she exploded, and launched into a long tirade (several minutes). Her finest point, I thought, was that some “fatso” in Church had thought that she was "ugly". After a few minutes of trying and failing to get a tactful word in edgeways, I said, “Stop, I'm not listening to a tirade, I want to talk with you.” She still didn’t stop. I said, “You have a bitter spirit.” There was a sudden silence. She said, “What?” I said, “A bitter spirit.” At that point, she "went nuclear". I put the phone down.

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