Saturday, September 22, 2007

Disco Craze

A note to Geotech visitors: If you arrived here through Geotech, you can follow the electronics trail on this blog (this includes two freebie metal detectors) by clicking here:

Spot the similarity. My hobby is electronic design (see “Electronics” below). The picture at the top right is a design that I did for EPE magazine in the UK -- published as the “Jazzy Necklace”. The picture at the bottom is an item that went into mass production some time after, called the “Strobe Necklace”. The Strobe Necklace, and versions of it, have become popular in disco culture. The “copy” is cleverly done -- it has been simplified and improved in a number of ways. I have joked that my greatest legacy as a minister will be my contribution to the Rave culture!

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