Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Authoritative Blog

Thanks to Jenny Hillebrannd's researches, I discovered today that my blog may be the most authoritative Christian blog in Southern Africa. So it is on the surface of it anyway, although statistics can be misleading. OBSERVATION: Interestingly, I find that I have had personal exchanges with four of the next five bloggers on the "authority" list. What's the secret of the authority? I have some idea. I think I blogged about it, although I hardly remember what.


Jenny Hillebrand said...

The problem with the statistics being that only a few bloggers are linked in with Technorati these days. I think, though, having watched for a few months on and off, that between you, Khanya and A Vow of Conversation, you probably share the top spot.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Thank you Jenny. Less than 10% of my blog is up. But the trammelled blog is soaring.

Jenny Hillebrand said...

Cool about the latter. If you have any ideas about finding stats to compare blogs, I'd appreciate them!