Friday, January 31, 2014

Rock Solid Linux

Through moving last year, I needed to unplug and plug and swap around a lot of hardware. The only operating system that remained rock solid through it all was Puppy Linux (pictured). It was able to handle anything at all, automatically: routers, printers, monitors, drives, and so on -- no matter what I plugged in where -- with just one exception: a Canon scanner which needed a manual install. Puppy's single problem was the Firefox browser that occasionally closed of its own accord. A great advantage of Puppy Linux is that both system and files may be kept on a single USB -- and transferred from this computer to that, with a few exceptions. OBSERVATION: However, Puppy Linux is a little limited, a little arcane. I am now back with the more pleasurable (though not quite as solid) Mac-like Xubuntu (Xfce + Ubuntu).

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