Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Centre Of My Parish

Here at last is an aerial photo of the village which represents the centre of my Karoo pastorate -- marvellously situated in the middle of a semi-desert. There is South Street in the foreground, Voortrekker Street in the middle, and North Street in the distance. These three streets are criss-crossed by several others. Visitation is therefore a snap, as one should see. Actually the village has a twin township, off the right of the photo. This little village has an amazing forty Churches, of which ours is the only English-speaking one. We can therefore boast, without fear of contradiction: "We are the friendliest little English Church in town."


Steve Hayes said...

Thanks to Telkom, we were without reliable Internet access for several weeks, so I probably missed your announcement about your new parish. Where is it, and how long have you been there?

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

You've missed a thing or two! :-)