Friday, March 21, 2014

"Trust Me"

When it comes to Church polity (or policy), the theory and the reality may be far apart. Somebody once said to me that one may be in an Anglican Church which is Congregational, and vice versa. This post is about the spirit of decision-making, and specifically about the dynamic of "Trust me." The Congregational dynamic is that everybody, together, takes fully informed decisions. But then there are those who come into the mix and say: "Trust me," or "Trust us." A decision is then taken on that basis. It sounds good, and those people may well be trustworthy, and decision-making may seem still to be in the hands of all, but I would think that Congregationalism is all but dead. OBSERVATION: The key question is no doubt: what is real decision-making, by all? And some further observations: "Trust me" is an emotionally loaded approach which in itself should ring warning bells. Also, in my personal experience there have been some false "Trust me's". Of course, people may not use the words "Trust me," or "Trust us," but something to that effect.

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