Sunday, May 18, 2014

Intercepted E-mail

Last week, a certain somebody intercepted one of my personal e-mails and placed it on the Internet. I e-mailed the person who tipped me off: "You're kidding!" He wasn't. I once asked opinion about this (and any such exposure). The answer: "It may not be illegal, but it is immoral." OBSERVATION: Mostly, I write personal e-mails as if they would be read by all. However, one shouldn't think that great care will always save one from trouble, as is true of anything in ministry. False interpretations may be pressed onto e-mails. E-mails may be quoted out of context (in whole or in part). And in rare cases, they may not be one's own e-mails, but forgeries or an appropriation of one's e-mail address. (Normally, one would place an e-mail "out there" with permission).

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