Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Extraordinary Shift

My Church in the Karoo experienced an extraordinary shift. On Easter Sunday, I reported that that Sunday had been "best expectations". A month later, the Church asked me to stay -- and I agreed to "the foreseeable future". What happened next was unthinkable -- at least, nobody thought it. Within a few months, most of the Church's faithful sold up and left town, or were seriously indisposed. One year after commencing a regular consulent ministry, I now continue "on call". However, recognising that the situation could just as easily reverse, we have "planned that in". Viewed more broadly, the English-speaking community, in these parts, has gradually been crumbling for years -- this latest development is a lurch. OBSERVATION: The Church was a godsend. Resigning from urban ministry in my 20th year, I could continue in ministry without skipping a beat. While there were challenges, it was a warm and joyous ministry. People were committed and generous -- in some ways, beyond what I had known before. It gave E. and me regular quality time as we travelled to and from the Karoo -- and introduced E. to new areas of ministry. We paid a pastoral visit to the Council Chairman this past weekend -- himself indisposed. The photo shows some typical Karoo splendour.

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