Friday, August 8, 2014

Xhosa Booklet

One of the hallmarks of my urban ministry in particular was evangelism. At first, we would buy evangelistic booklets, of which we handed out thousands on request over the years, with significant effect. We further routed tens of thousands of evangelistic booklets through the Church. Then to cut costs, which were not small, we developed our own such booklets. There was great interest in the Xhosa Edition. Personally, I think it is the best evangelistic booklet that is available in Xhosa today. OBSERVATION: In spite of nearly 8 million people speaking Xhosa (more than speak Afrikaans, and ten times as many as speak Welsh), there are few such materials available in the language. Xhosa is an agglutinative language, therefore tends to have some very long words, for example angasishukumisa, wawungabalaselanga, obungunaphakade. This made typesetting a challenge.

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