Saturday, September 20, 2014

Culture Club

What would distinguish your Church from a culture club? In my experience, culture may frequently be the dominant determining factor in a Church. And through that culture, the Church may lose what is truly precious to the Church. Yet if people value something other than that which is truly precious, then a culture club may indeed be that which fulfils their desires. It will be no better, though, than an imitation of the real thing -- stagnant waters compared with the living waters of Jesus. OBSERVATION: In fact, some theologians may say (to put it too simply) that a Church is just that: a culture. George Lindbeck, for example, and Hans Frei.


Steve Hayes said...

I once heard a woman say, "The Orthodox Church is not missionary becausze its purpose is to preserve Greek culture".

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

And replace "Orthodox" and "Greek" with the terms of one's choice ...