Monday, October 6, 2014

Statutory Body

Earlier this year, I reported an attorney to a certain statutory body, whose function it is (quote) "to investigate alleged misconduct on the part of the attorney". They wouldn't investigate, and they should have. I asked to see the statute which said they shouldn't. First they sent me irrelevant documents, then several times they balked. Last month I reported the body to the Human Rights Commission. The reason: a citizen should be permitted to see the statutes of a statutory body. A day later, knowing about the Commission, the statutory body issued a functus officio decree, a kind of vow not to continue. OBSERVATION: The issue could be vitally important. Citizens need to know on what statutory basis statutory bodies function. If a statutory body balks at that, one should be worried for the country. The Human Rights Commission subsequently judged it to be "corruption", and referred the matter to the Office of the Public Protector.

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