Friday, March 13, 2015

Freedom Of Religion, In Theory

The South African Bill of Rights guarantees that "everyone has the right to freedom of religion". However my experience in ministry is that the exercising of this right, even in its most basic aspects, is frequently denied. For example, the right to attend Church on Sunday, or the right to fulfil important Church leadership functions (say, as an elder). The reason for the difficulty is economic priorities, by which I mean the priorities of the employer. Not seldom, churchgoers report to me that they will lose their jobs if they attend Church. In an urban Church in particular, this may have a disruptive effect on a weekly basis, which may be widely felt.


Steve Hayes said...

And a shop owner in our parish was told by the management of the mall where his shop was that if he did not open on Sundays, his lease would be terminated.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

There you go. That would be one example among very many.