Monday, March 23, 2015

What Now?

There are some things they don't show you in the movies. Real life teaches us so much more. A woman I counselled in time of trouble was S., whose husband was dealing in drugs. The police sought to stop him at a road-block -- but he sped away. The police gave chase. He wasn't winning, so he jumped out of the car and made an escape on foot. The police called in a helicopter -- and arrested him. Now here's the part you don't see in the movies: I said to S.: “Did you know he was doing this?” She said: “Yes (a pause) ...” Then: “What am I going to do now? I don’t know. And our boy. How will I put him through school? Where do I get the rent? The food? The clothes? My husband brought home the money. This is very serious. I’m getting older. I think I need to get serious about God.” OBSERVATION: Sadly, after this, S. discovered she had AIDS.

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