Thursday, May 28, 2015

Advice For Aliens

This one is about human aliens. I have spoken to hundreds of aliens in our country over many years, in what for many must have been the ultimate challenge. Here is my personal advice for those who find themselves newly in this situation: • Trust God. • Commit absolutely to a Church family. • Get your papers in order and keep them safe. • Obtain introductions for yourself and use them. • Keep one set of neat clean clothes for appointments. • Set a priority on obtaining a cell-phone so that people can contact you. • Find a training course for specific employment, then a sponsor (even if you are already trained). • Endure hardship and injustice at work, don’t duck and dive. • Avoid degrading behaviour, you have a life ahead of you. • Don’t underestimate the ruthlessness and heartlessness of criminals. • Learn the language (bilingualism is a great advantage anyway). And • Divide the burdens if you can, with close friends or relatives. OBSERVATION: If anyone can add to this list, I’d welcome further input. It may help anyone who looks in here.


Steve Hayes said...

Good advice, I think.

To add to it: have the phone number of a good civil rights/leagal aid grooup to call when the cops arrest you and threaten to deport you without giving you a chance to get your papers. Make photocopies of your documents and give them to a friend to keep, in case the copse destroy your papers if they don't get a breibe.

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Thank you Steve. One of my proteges was arrested for loitering outside a civil rights office while he waited on advice! For the interest of readers, Steve was banned for five years in 1972, now free to speak as he does here. Another suggestion, which is expensive but may be possible for some: record your encounters with officialdom.