Friday, May 1, 2015

Favouring Philosophy

I am often asked what an ordained minister might have to do with philosophy. There are just two direct references to philosophy (literally, the love of wisdom) in the Bible. In the Old Testament, it is something which brings joy. In the New Testament, we are warned not to be spoiled by it (the wrong sort). Here is why I think that philosophy is important: • For most of history, it has been a part of seminary curricula. There are reasons for that. • Like it or not, philosophy is a powerful driver of theology. There need to be Christians involved. • No small number of ministers are in the "engine room" of philosophy today. From my personal experience, this changes philosophy's treatment of religion. • There need to be Christians who know what is happening "out there". • And the apostle Paul knew philosophy and used it in evangelism. Many Christians continue to do so today. OBSERVATION: I myself have received both congratulation and antagonism for my philosophical writing. I would say this: that philosophy is basically human. One needs the divine. (The vocabulary I use in ministry is incidentally far from that of philosophy).

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