Saturday, May 30, 2015

Petty Scam

I was caught this month in what appeared to be a petty scam. This is how. At a chemist's, I fetched medications at a dispensary, picked up a few more items in the store, and presented them at the till. I paid cash. The cashier scanned the items (so it seemed) and put a receipt in the bag (so it seemed). But afterwards, the dispensary's figures didn't match the cashier's. On the surface of it, I hadn't paid for the medications. The chemist said (showing me a pile of papers): "Don't feel bad about it, the same has happened to a pile of customers." OBSERVATION: This seems to be a classic example of endangering others for one's own selfish gain. My saving grace (and that of all the rest) was that it happened to all of us.

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