Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Solar Imitations

Last night I built a small solar lighting system to light up two rooms for farm labourers. I built my own "African" regulators (two of them), which cost me R6.25 (US51¢) each. The cheapest solar regulators I find on the Internet are R139 ($11.42) each. One wires a regulator between a solar panel and battery. OBSERVATION: My solar systems are in high demand. However, I have only made them free, as special favours. Beware of cheap imitations! They may look promising, but they tend to have weak spots. One local product boasts "25 000 hours life span", which sounds good. However, when one does the sums with the specifications on the box, it will light up three rooms for one hour a day, and likely kill the battery way too soon.

POSTSCRIPT: I have added a photo of the delivery: two lights for two rooms.

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