Monday, September 21, 2015

School Call-Out

One of my more challenging call-outs as a minister involved a school teacher who went beserk. The school sent someone to fetch me to help get him under control. When I walked in, the teacher was seeking to set a classroom alight. I talked to him, and talked -- and put out flames, and put out more flames -- while everybody else looked in through the windows. His wife tried to talk to him, but she got thumped. She sat down and cried. He calmed down a great deal, but he kept trying to make a dash for vehicles on a nearby road. A doctor turned up to inject him with a sedative. I said doctor wait, he's calm now -- if we can only keep him from the road. He was hospitalised the same evening, and he wrote me a note, to thank me. He said that I been getting through to him. OBSERVATION: It really was the school's fault -- he had been under intolerable pressure.

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