Sunday, September 6, 2015

Without Respect Of Persons

In an important sense, a nation can only be healthy where it is governed without personal considerations -- which is, "without respect of persons" (a Biblical principle). The same, however, is true of the Church. Where personalities and personal loyalties come to the fore, or a focus on persons, the Church is in an unhealthy space. This is so from various points of view. Pastoral ministry should not get mixed with respect of persons. The amounts which people give should not get mixed with respect of persons. Leadership decisions should not get mixed with respect of persons. The Church's mission should not get mixed with respect of persons. The call of a minister should not get mixed with respect of persons. What God is doing should not get mixed with respect of persons. And so on. OBSERVATION: Another way of putting it is that love inevitably follows everything else, but it is not the focus of a Church. Love, too, flourishes where other priorities are first in place. A commonly quoted passage is 1 John 1:1-4.

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