Thursday, June 23, 2016

What Really Ails The Police?

I got in touch with a reporter this morning who is covering the violence in our capital. He (co) reported A Cocktail of Ignorance and Arrogance from Police. I said I have similar or overlapping experience of the police, personal experience -- but think again. From my own counselling experience, the police "ignorance and arrogance" which the reporter experienced may in fact be a "full activation" response to stress. It might be a classic human meltdown. See for instance a report of the US National Center for PTSD, Anger and Trauma. That is what one sees in our police. With nearly 90% of our police, by their own admission, suffering clinical depression, this seems a likely explanation for their behaviour. They are done in. OBSERVATION: And this requires, I think, a very different response.

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