Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reservations On Record

There have been many attempts to subvert my reputation, following my city ministry. The most recently discovered is this: no sooner was the Church auditor revealed as bogus in 2016, than it was I who stood accused. The Church Diaconate wrote to the Regulator: "The gravity of the matter was explained to us. ... We sincerely apologise for this wrongdoing." But then, the minister was "aware that [he] was not a qualified man". The Regulator duly handed this to police. Thankfully, I had placed on record with attorneys: "I don't know who our auditor is. What should I be doing?" I received appropriate legal advice, too, which I followed. I also placed on record: "Did the auditor view the Church constitution?" Among other things. OBSERVATION: I raised red flags everywhere, at the time. In fact, the wrongdoing must include the angry rejection of those red flags. Thanks to the habit of recording my misgivings in ministry, together with my custom of seeking full information, I am "covered". But imagine if I hadn't done that.

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