Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mystery Islet

An ancient legend of the Pacific -- perhaps thousands of years old -- tells of a woman, Nei Tewenei, who was married to a High Chief, Auriaria, of Matang. Matang is a distant land of fair-skinned people. While the legend is documented, I myself was told that she was a queen, who fled on a large vessel with an entourage, and took her precious tokens of royalty with her. She landed on the atoll of Maiana, and lived a secluded life on an islet in the lagoon (pictured). There she buried the tokens of her royalty. For reasons (I think) unknown, two suitors lost their lives on a nearby beach. I visited the islet in 2003, by a long journey, with three locals, one of whom Rev. Takaria. I took a powerful pulse induction metal detector with me. We cleared away debris on the islet, and found a large coral bung in the centre, which looked as though it had been pounded in place. My metal detector registered metal under the bung. Unthinkingly, I tried to move it with a knife, but it was impossible. The locals became restless, and warned me of the displeasure of the spirits. I had to quit. I should not have attempted it in the first place. OBSERVATION: Personally, I think the answers to some great riddles of our world may be resting under that bung. But I would hope that anyone who returns there would do so with a team of experts and the blessing of the elders. I see the islet on Google Maps, co-ordinates 0.843020, 172.982261.

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