Saturday, April 15, 2017

Justice Referred

It seems to tear this way across town, then that way across town. When the authorities have forgotten about it, I remind them. When I have forgotten about it, they remind me. Earlier this week, it appeared again in my post. I was distressed for a moment to see it there. It is the issue of the statements on which I was twice charged in 2013. You can't just accuse a minister, then charge him, then hide the accusations -- as is the case here. I even asked authorities, in writing, to charge me again, to afford me opportunity to defend myself and restore my reputation. No one would oblige. OBSERVATION. I made a statement this week: "For the record, I was attacked by a crowd, in my robes, and was badly hurt without retaliating." I would ask those who did it: is that or is that not so? But I was charged. And it still bounces around. The police told me to lay charges against my accusers. I said without the accusations? That is putting the cart before the horse. I want to see why you so advise.

POSTSCRIPT: The signature of my principal accuser appears among those which the bank recently identified as "fraudulent". A few people have sought to make me out as being mad or perverse, but one may believe it. Connect the dots. I trust that by now, the Church Meeting, which governs the Church, is taking resolute action.

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