Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mastermind Or Madman?

Many people share my problem, I know: you're out of university, and you no longer are the brilliant student with magnificent grades (one of my degrees, 94% average). How to evaluate your work now? How to know where you stand? It's a problem. I have tried various ways. This post is about one successful test, which came to my attention just this morning. One of my metaphysic's more radical and foundational ideas rests on the interpretation of the bridging inference. So radical is my interpretation that one wonders in strange moments whether one hasn't lost one's grip on reality. It was good therefore to see my writing on the subject, this morning, at the top of 18.7 million Google results (in the image at the top of the page, and again in fifth place). While that isn't the ultimate test of ideas, it usually isn't junk that gets to the top. The article is here: The Bridging Inference. OBSERVATION: I tinker, in the article, with the basic building blocks of language.

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