Sunday, May 27, 2018

Abortion, Pastorally

Abortion has been much in the news lately, with the "seismic shift" in Ireland, as the BBC called it. Ministry seems to me to be in a completely different place to the public debate. A minister deals with the pastoral aspect of abortion -- although he or she was schooled in the theological aspect. From the pastoral point of view, I can say without hesitation that abortion is deleterious -- both for the woman and for the man involved. I have counselled, for example, two women who were admitted to a psychiatric clinic as a direct result of an abortion. I lost contact with the first. The second did not recover over many years. OBSERVATION: There could be various factors involved in such reactions, of course. Also, people remind me from time to time that people only come to see a minister with the bad stories anyway. However, I would be worried for people who think that legal is fine.

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