Monday, June 4, 2018

Pass the Ammunition

Urban ministry is full of strange experiences. An old man in the Church died. I went to his home, where his widow S and two young men were seated next to his bed. The bed was raised up high -- higher than our eye-level -- and the old man lay up on top, dead. The young men were quickly passing packets of ammunition -- one packet after another after another -- and they didn't stop for the minister. Then they produced a gun. One of them jumped up with the “loot” and hurried out of the door. OBSERVATION: The gun was unlicensed, said S. Her husband had threatened her with it many times, holding it to her face. Afterwards, I wasn’t quite sure what to do. It was unlicensed, so I reported it to the police. But people had already "passed the parcel". It was beyond finding.

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