Sunday, August 26, 2018

Finances: A Spiritual Reminder

For want of a thought this morning, here is a re-post, but a valuable spiritual reminder. I had wondered what would happen to the Church's finances on the tragic loss of my wife. Ten months later I wrote: "A member asked me this week how the Church's finances were doing. I said we'd had the double challenge this year of the economic downturn and of the Church having suffered a tragedy. Nonetheless, I thought that the Church had responded 'famously'. The last time I checked, we were about 4% in the red after conservative spending. Things could be better, but they are not dismal. I have often heard it said that Churches do not work according to the rules of the world -- they frequently don't do what the world does around them. I say that God is the real giver -- and one hears again and again of His faithfulness in Churches. Our own finances are marked by extreme swings from month to month." OBSERVATION: The (financial) year after this, entering my 20th and final year in the Church, our income exceeded every previous year. It was "His faithfulness". Oct 20 2011.

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