Friday, September 14, 2018

My Hurricane Experience

Seeing the developments surrounding Hurricane Florence, I myself was trapped once in the aftermath of a cyclone which reached Category 3, Cyclone Ami (pictured). A cyclone is a hurricane by a different name. There was a huge storm surge, so that everything imaginable was under water: food, furniture, books, and so on, not to speak of boats being washed into the parking lot, trees falling in the road, drinking water being polluted, among other things. My camera unfortunately didn't survive, or I would have some spectacular photos. OBSERVATION: I learnt then that, if one is caught in a disaster, one becomes a mere statistic. There is no one to help you, and you can help no one. All are in the same situation. A Hindu couple showed me great kindness at the time: Appasami and Ramaka Pillay of Wailevu.

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