Sunday, November 11, 2018

Who Dunnit?

At the close of my city ministry, an attorney handed me severe threats in a boardroom -- threats to my safety, reputation, future, everything -- if I would not quit. It was extreme. She handed me most of the threats in writing, on a single sheet, which today is in safekeeping. Who wrote up the sheet? It was a computer printout, but it used a distinctive font. We went through every letter and note that I or the Church had ever received -- those, of course, which still existed. There was only one match -- I mean, one person who had ever used that font. It was an officer of the Church. A witness, a clergyman, placed him in a meeting with the attorney the night before, at the Church. OBSERVATION: This is one of my "no comment" posts. However I hope that such posts will be useful to other ministers, as examples of "real ministry".

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