Monday, October 12, 2020

Machine Receipts

One month ago, in a post Reporting to IPID, I blogged that I had evicence of a police cover-up, and had reported it to IPID (the Independent Police Investigative Directorate). But an MDN showed that IPID stopped delivery of my complaint. I therefore rerouted it. IPID then stopped a machine receipt -- however, they notified me then that, again, the complaint had been rerouted. But again IPID stopped a machine receipt -- and this is where things stand today. OBSERVATION: Stopping a machine receipt does not mean that the message did not get through or is not being attended to. It does mean that, a month later, I do not know whether my report of a cover-up has been received, or is receiving attention. I do know now that IPID stops complaints. I re-sent it this morning.

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