Monday, December 28, 2020

Electronic Invention

One of my hobbies is electronic design. I was delighted to stumble upon this video review today (I snipped out 18 seconds here). I sold copyrights to this thing to the US and UK, although I didn't file a patent. So anyone can produce it -- and they do! It removes various skin lesions -- in this video, a wart. OBSERVATION: This year, with so many people locked down, this device has taken off all over the world. But in June this year the UK's Daily Mail called for a ban. That's another story. The full review is on YouTube

POSTSCRIPT: A US company claims it registered this in 2000. However, they only registered it in 2006, a year after my design was published in the USA. Such things are easily checked on the Internet. They didn't need to.

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