Saturday, July 10, 2021

To Rule Or Not To Rule?

Congregationalism is often described as rule by the members -- the whole Body. Yet the Bible says that elders rule (for example, Hebrews 13:17). A Congregational "textbook" (pictured) says: "The supreme function of the elders is the rule of the church." Which then is it to be? I interpret it like this: Yes, the members -- the Body -- rule. At the same time, one of the gifts of the Spirit is "taking the lead" (Romans 12:8). The textbook distinguishes between "authority" and "authoritarianism". It is authority when one exercises the gift, authoritarianism when, in the process, one overrules the members or sidelines them. This also means that it may be perilous to ignore a minister's or elder's gift.

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