Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sermon on Parenting

Some years ago, I preached on Christian Parenting. Someone said to me afterwards, "You really should have told me these things twenty years ago! It's a bit late now!" Here are some points from a sermon which in itself was a summary: 

1. God loans you a child to make them independent in Him.
2. The order is: God first, parents second, children third, work fourth.
3. It all begins with parents who love the Lord.
4. The atmosphere and values of the home speak before words.
5. There needs to be spiritual structure in one's home.
6. There needs to be Christian teaching, formal and informal.
7. Evangelism of children is essential.
8. There needs to be correction and prevention, in balance, and
9. Decide what really counts: mud on the carpet? telling a lie?

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