Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Kindle Grief

I sought to buy a Kindle copy of my book today, for a reviewer (they fell outside publisher criteria for reviewers).

• Kindle said, Go to the Kindle store. OK.
• Click on “Buy for others”. But there was only “Buy now”.
• I clicked on “Buy now”. Kindle thanked me for my purchase and goodbye.
• They had sold me my own book! I said wait, can I reverse that?
• Kindle said, that would be a black mark against your book.
• I said no, no, don’t reverse it.
• I decided to try again. I went to the Kindle store.
• Kindle said you already have that book. You can't buy it twice.

OBSERVATION: With great trepidation, I am continuing this process. They could potentially mess it up further.

POSCTSCRIPT: Kindle referred me again to a non-existent feature on one of their pages -- then against my instructions, reversed my order -- and further removed free material from my cloud. They cannot have looked at their own page, or have paid attention to our correspondence. It is possible that I was speaking to a computer.

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