Monday, November 9, 2015

Pharmacy Anomaly

I was reminded of it as I passed a pharmacy this morning: In 2013, I was injured in an attack. Two days later, I went to see my doctor. Among other things, he handed me a prescription, which I exchanged for medications at the pharmacy. But shortly after that, someone advised me: "Get that prescription! Now!" I went back to the pharmacy to obtain the prescription. They soon found it in their files, and handed me a copy. My adviser responded: "No, no! Get all the prescriptions! Now!" I went back to the pharmacy to obtain all my prescriptions, and they searched for a long time. They said: "Reverend, there's nothing in our files." I said: "How far do the files go back?" They said: "Two years." They should have turned up several prescriptions. I asked them to search their computer system. They said: "There's nothing on the system. Absolutely nothing." I said: "How were my records removed?" They said: "They are not here, Reverend. That is all that we can say." OBSERVATION: However, I had the crucial prescription. And then, receipts turned up, which had been neither in the files nor on the system.

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