Monday, October 31, 2016

Elephant In The Room

It was a wonderful time to be there, at the end of my urban ministry. We had come from a failing, almost all-White Church, to create a thriving, chaotic, multi-cultural Church which was both majority White and majority Black, depending on which Sunday one was in Church. I think that most people knew how special this was, and most people's hearts were in it. I feel too awful about the racist incidents I experienced, to put them on my blog. However, here is something which is "just the facts". In the final months of my urban ministry, I received four requisitions and one petition from members (all of which I still have). Essentially these were requests for referendums. I spread them out before our leadership, and said: "95% of these signatures are White, 5% are Black." I said: "There's an elephant in the room." I said: "Where is the love here? Where is the wisdom?" There was silence. OBSERVATION: Typically I never mentioned race in the Church, as a matter of principle. A White member tore a strip off me for revealing this. He wrote to me: "I find it almost unbelievable that a Minister in a Church could make reference to race."

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