Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Annual Thank-Offering

Every year of my ministr(ies) I have held a Thank-Offering, where people come to see the minister in the vestry, give reasons for their thanks to God, and leave an offering of thanks. I then read appropriate verses of Scripture, and say a prayer of thanks on their behalf. The offerings have ranged between R10 (less than a dollar) and tens of thousands of rands. OBSERVATION: It was a tradition of my father's, too, in ministry. It is a pleasure to receive people at a Thank-Offering. I think of one such occasion: a young Zulu woman, an elderly socialite, a couple with their little girl, and so on. The reasons for thanks may be gratitude for the Church, preservation from danger, long life with HIV, a loving family, blessing in the midst of trial, and so much more. In fact, a few times people have been so carried away in their thanks that they have forgotten to give me the offering. It has been a highlight of ministry.

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