Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Split Personality

This may be the last I say about it. My abduction had a "split personality". On the one hand, the gunmen took valuables. On the other hand, they spent a lot of time examining my papers -- one of them about 30 minutes, another about 15 minutes – all the time with a gun to my side and a gun to my back, questioning me. But this post is about the effect that the "split personality" of the incident had on me. I did not know, and still do not know, which side of the split personality was the real one, if not both. Afterwards I found myself fairly much paralysed with regard to any kind of activity at all -- yet did not realise it. Paralysed -- in case my activity should trigger something terrible. What further played into this was that the gunmen told me they were (are) coming back for me.

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