Sunday, April 5, 2020

Computer Revolution

There is a quiet computer revolution underway. 32-bit operating systems (OSes) are being phased out. I use a 64-bit computer with modest RAM, which seemed just fine -- at first -- for my purposes. But newer 64-bit OSes disfavour 'lighter' computers, even if the computers are 64-bit, even if the OSes are meant to work on lighter computers. In my case, a 1½ year old computer is now too old -- almost. I am busy with this, and am hopeful that I shall soon be reporting a fully working solution. OBSERVATION: I remember when 8-bit computers were superseded, but that did not seem disruptive. Incidentally there are now 128-bit computers, but it should be years before they reach our desks.

POSTSCRIPT: I installed Linux LXLE. Where previously my computer was freezing up every day, I have not had a single system-wide incident in a week. A few individual programs have crashed (Thunar and GIMP), but these are non-essential, and did not affect anything but themselves.

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