Saturday, May 25, 2024

Changing Service Times

Unexpectedly once, a proposal came up in a diaconate meeting, to change the time of our Sunday morning service -- which was relatively late at 10 am. Our diaconate wanted to vote immediately. I thought this was too important an issue to act impulsively. I said let's take one month over this, and I promised that we would take a decision the following month. I checked our constitutional requirements -- the Constitution stated that "motions dealing with services" needed to be put to the members. I asked our intern to investigate how this would affect various people in the congregation. He reported back that most were indifferent, many in favour, and a few reluctant. So our diaconate voted in favour of the change, and put a proposal to the members. The members said no -- and quite decisively so. It would have been the first such change in 115 years.

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