Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Day in the Life

Another day in the life of a Capetonian. I bought electricity for my meter, and punched in the numbers. It responded: REJECTED. I looked for help on the Internet. Our electricity utility Eskom recommended a call to Eskom. The Eskom number responded: "The number you have dialled does not exist." Eskom recommended another number. This asked me to punch in a number on my phone ... and cut off when I did. I asked a security officer on our block. She said just WhatsApp BV Tech.  I said I don't have WhatsApp -- and showed her my dumbphone. There was derisive laughter. She called over another security officer -- he had to see this phone. So wife E WhatsApped BV Tech. BV Tech flashed a message on her screen -- something like, "Thank you for contacting BVTech" -- and cut out. I said, "My life is over." E said, "It's just electricity." E now called BV Tech. At this point, our hopes were lifted when BV Tech picked up -- and walked us through the restoration of our meter. OBSERVATION: The trouble has something to do with upgrading electricity metering in Cape Town.

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