Friday, December 18, 2020

Vestry Searched

This is a post of 1 November 2008, which I inexplicably shelved. Perhaps because it covered a matter which was subject to a police investigation. Today it finally sees the light of day: 
"My vestry (minister's office) has been 'totalled'. For the first time tonight, I had a proper chance to check which papers were stolen. I feel a bit shocked -- actually, more than a bit shocked. The good news is that 'public' papers such as wedding registers and historical records were left behind. But my vestry was very, very thoroughly searched. A large number of personal papers were taken. Valuables were untouched. But every cloud has a silver lining. A box of chocolates was untouched." 
OBSERVATION: I was worried most about information about others which was taken. It may be a good tip for aspiring ministers: your vestry may be searched. It happened to me three times. Unusually, in this case, the culprit was found. 

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