Saturday, October 3, 2020


The half hour or so after Church was not seldom chaos for me, in the city. This is from my journal, and is a typical Sunday. The service ends. J wants to see me for spiritual encouragement, S wants to talk to me about baptism, F says she is terrified because she can’t pay the rent, C wants to introduce me to two newcomers in Church, K wants the Church to cover hospital fees, S simply wants a handout, G wants to tell me of a problem he had with a deacon, J is in trouble since the breadwinner left home, Y wants to know where she can worship at midday, A tells me she is starting chemotherapy, D wants to inform me of progress rescheduling debt, H wants to buy a subsidised Bible, and N and I discuss charity for a few of the above. OBSERVATION: This list gives some hint of the extent a city Church's charitable work.

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