Friday, August 14, 2009

Fishers Of Men?

This is the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK or DRC) Velddrif, a small town about 150km/90mi north of Cape Town. I asked the caretaker whether he was the dominee. He said: “Thankfully not.” I asked him when the service would be on Sunday. He said: “I can't remember. Look in the almanac.” I asked him where else I could find out. He said: “There's a blackboard on the Church wall. It'll be written there in chalk.” I went to look at the blackboard. There was nothing on it -- but above it stood the Church's motto: “Fishers of Men.” OBSERVATION: The Church was designed by W. Bronkhorst, and built in 1954. You may click on the photo to enlarge to VGA. See also Vanselfsprekend.

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