Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Groote Kerk

Here's another photo of the Groote Kerk (“Great Church”) of Cape Town -- taken with a compact Olympus camera -- its once proud tower, nearly five storeys high, now tucked away in an urban nook. The Church was founded in 1665 -- thirteen years after the first settlers arrived. It has the largest pipe organ in South Africa. You may click on the photo to enlarge to 70k.


Unknown said...

This is a great photograph.

Anne Clare

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Thanks Anne Clare. I see this post has shot to the top of the SA "Hot Right Now" ranking. Personally, I like the way the dynamics of the photo emphasise the "enclosedness" of the great tower. It seems sad in a way. I imagine the early builders erecting the great tower to be visible through most of the colony.

Unknown said...

You're welcome. In fact, your photography is all good...

I just happen to particularly like this photo. And, clearly, I'm not alone.